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What Does It Take to Succeed at IELTS Writing?

Really?  Only 60 minutes to write 2 essays for IELTS? 

Yes, the IELTS writing section only allows you 60 minutes to write responses to 2 tasks.  

How is the IELTS Writing Test Set Up?

There are 2 writing prompts for the IELTS.  Task #1 asks you to explain or interpret a chart, table, diagram, or some type of illustration.  You must write at least 150 words.  

The 2nd writing prompt is a response to a question prompt about your opinion, a discussion, a discussion with your opinion, or an issue.  You must write at least 250 words for Task #2.

How Is IELTS Writing Evaluated?

There are 4 main areas that are marked on IELTS writing. They are:

  1. Task Achievement:  This area checks to see if you answered the question according to the instructions.  You will be checked to see if you developed your response well enough to fully satisfy the requirements of the task.
  2. Coherence and Cohesion:  This area checks to see if you can organize your writing in a logical way.  Is your writing smoothly connected in paragraphs or is it disconnected?  Do you use connecting words so well that your writing is fluent and natural?
  3. Lexical Resource:  This areas checks your vocabulary.  Do your words express the meaning clearly?  Does your vocabulary use different words to describe what you are saying, or do you repeat the same words over and over?  Do you spell words correctly?  How high is your word power?  
  4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy:  This area checks your grammar and how well you express the meaning with your sentences.  Are your sentences clear?  Do you use different types of sentences to give your message?  Having a wide understanding of grammar helps with this area.  

Each of these 4 areas count for 25% of your writing score.  For more information about the writing task descriptors, refer to these downloads by the British Council.

How Are Task #1 and Task #2 Different?

For Writing Task #1, you need to report what you see. Task #1 needs to be at least 150 words. Task #1 receives 1/3 of the writing score.

For Writing Task #2, you need to write what you think. Task #2 needs to be at least 250 words. Task #2 receives 2/3 of the writing score.

Most experts recommend that you use about 20 minutes for Task #1 and 40 minutes for Task #2.  

How Should You Approach IELTS Writing?

Many of my students struggle to finish their writing with this short time limit. Some students start with Writing Task #2 and only focus on finishing it. Unfortunately, this means Task #1 does not earn a score.

What about you?  Are you a fast writer?  Do you have a plan?  How can you finish both tasks within 60 minutes. 

Success on the IELTS writing is not so difficult if you learn the right method. What are your weaknesses? If you know your weaknesses, you should focus your practice/study sessions on those areas in order to make the biggest improvements. Teacher feedback can help you improve your writing a lot if you receive good advice.  

Do you want to get a higher writing score on IELTS?  Do you want to know the way to write a response that meets the requirements of Task #1 and Task #2?  

I have a checklist that I want to give you. This checklist will guide you as your write IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2. Download the checklist here! 

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